
The Development Group

Eyes on the Street: Short Bike Path Under Construction, Part of LAX People Mover Project

The new path won't quite make the car-centric airport area bike-friendly, but it will connect cyclists to the future Metro Airport Connector station, serving the K Line and LAX people mover

By: Joe Linton

Published: January 5, 2024

There's a new bike/walk path under construction along Arbor Vitae Street. The path runs just over a third of a mile from La Cienega Boulevard to Aviation Boulevard.

bike/walk path
Map path

The path is part of LAX's Consolidated Rent-A-Car (ConRAC) facility which LAX notes "will be the largest rental car complex in the world, able to park, store, and maintain more than 18,000 vehicles" and "During peak activity, a vehicle will leave the ConRAC facility every two seconds." [LAX ConRAC fact sheet].

Bike/walk path

ConRAC and the automated people mover are parts of LAX's $5.5 billion Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP), which includes lots of roadway expansion (new roads, widened roads), and some active transportation improvements. [LAX LAMP roadway improvements fact sheet].

Image via LAMP fact sheet

The Arbor Vitae path is the first of three segments of a planned 1.2 mile long LAX multi-use path that will extend south along Aviation Boulevard and west along Century Boulevard. There will also be ~3.3 miles of new bike lanes on Westchester Parkway, Airport Boulevard, Jetway Boulevard, and a new street.

Image via LAMP fact sheet

The new path segment won't quite make the car-centric airport area bike-friendly. It will essentially connect cyclists to the under-construction LAX/Metro Transit Center Station. That station, called the Airport Connector project, which serves the Metro K Line and LAX people mover. The station will include a bike hub, where cyclists can park when flying in and out of LAX.

Image via LAMP fact sheet Metro Airport Connector project bike hub under construction this week Image via LAMP fact sheet Rendering of three-story AMC bike hub - via Metro presentation Image via LAMP fact sheet Metro Airport Connector Station rendering shows future multi-use path along the west side of Aviation Boulevard - via Metro Presentation

Construction is nearing completion for the LAX people mover and the Metro Airport Connector; both are expected to be completed this year.

Image via LAMP fact sheet

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